Ring Of Sovereignty - Stainless Steel Crown Ring

Ring Size:

King Aella was a historical king of Northumbria, a kingdom in what is now England, who ruled in the late 9th and early 10th centuries. He is known for his conversion to Christianity and for his conflict with the Vikings, including the legendary warrior Ragnar Lothbrok.

There are several accounts of the battles between Aella and Ragnar Lothbrok, but the details of these conflicts are somewhat unclear and are not well-documented in the historical record. Some sources suggest that Aella was captured by the Vikings and killed in a particularly brutal manner, through the ritual known as the "blood eagle"




Use a tape or cord, wrap it around your finger and mark the end point.

Simply use a ruler to determine the circumference.

Use the chart below to determine your size. 

US Size Circumference (inches)
Circumference (mm)
7 2.15" 54.5
8 2.25" 57.2
9 2.35" 59.7
10 2.45" 62.3
11 2.56" 65.0
12 2.66" 67.5
13 2.76" 70.2

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